Thursday, August 21, 2008

Packin' Heat!!

Packing the bike in the box wasn't hard..but then again wasn't easy either.  I'm not sure how Jeremy's experience is going to be (seems like he'll have expert help) but mine took me only about two tries before I was comfortable.  It is disconcerting to see the vehicle you'll be relying on for a month on the road in pieces.  Not to mention, knowing how airlines have historically handled things like guitars, doesn't exactly settle the mind either.   After watching a painfully done YouTube video ( about how to pack a bike box, I gave it a shot.  Taking your bike to pieces is easy.  Let's hope that putting it all back together again when we get to Vancouver will be close to the same.  
I went through two boxes trying to fit my large frame into the box.  It still is a stretch being that the fitting for the seat post pokes over the top edge of the box by about 1/4 inch. I suppose I'll have to be generous with the bubble tape.  I feel much better after learning that I can jam my panniers and bed-roll in with the bike.  I am sure they will provide needed padding to insure against airline roughing.  Flying with camping gear requires some creativity.  Naturally, I can't end up with any excess baggage when I arrive, so all of my equipment has to ride in disposable containers.   We'll know more come travel day on Monday.  Wish us luck.




Bekah said...

Good luck! Looking forward to reading about the ride...

Rhett said...

nice. keep em coming. more action as we go.

Miller Time said...

Enjoy...wish I could join you for real but this will have to do. Ride like the wind.

zelda said...

sounds fun! i'm sure y'all got hookups along the way, but if you want a stop in seaside/monterey, mi casa es suyos.

Unknown said...

hey david, i talked to you yesterday in your backyard about your trip. i just wanted to send you some links to some bike-related things that belong to my old housemate.

ian's blog from the anti-g8 summit and subsequent bike tour through europe.

ian's flickr set on his most recent canadian bike tour.