Thursday, September 25, 2008

Rhythm Section

 As suspected, the Oregon and Northern California coasts don't offer anything really in the way of Internet Cafes.  Rather than do too much to try to catch you all up on the progress of events we've decided to let the pictures do most of the talking.  

Our presence on the coast has given us a nice anticipated sense of rhythm that we had only found in parts before.  The daily rituals of setting up and breaking camp, washing dishes, cooking meals, pushing a simple machine over vast stretches of land and surviving have become seemingly effortless as we move through some tremendous scenery.  There is a pulse to our days that has made each day flow as though they were one.  Being blessed with good weather doesn't hurt either.

That said, we now find ourselves in the cozy confines of our friend Nick's "Gorgeous" place in Mendocino, CA enjoying the vast comforts of a beautiful home in the incredible countryside.  
Once again we are relishing the comforts of modernity, shelter, a home garden, and reunion with a friend; and are glad for the respite.  Not to mention, those thighs really did need a day of rest after all.  
Our talented friend Nick is quite the troubadour.  "Gorgeous" has a band he calls El Paso Chapel and we arrived just in time to back him up tonight at a club in Mendo.  After a quick rehearsal yesterday and again maybe today, Jeremy and I will be his weather-beaten rhythm section.   I am surprised it is not illegal to have this much fun.

It's an adventure Dammit!!

wish us luck!!

more soon, 

David and Jeremy


Savastio said...

I am letting the pictures do the talking. Looks like Jeremy has become a martial arts expert and David can now create a laser show with his fingertips. Pretty amazing, you guys!

dadeo said...

Wow...the pictures are fabulous and you and Jeremy look "marvelous". Thanks for taking the time to fill us in....we're loving it. Mutts is here with me tonight reading and enjoying your trip...she's been praying as you you can count on smooth coasting guys. Mom

Adriana said...

hey heeey. i hope you guys made it home without any major breakdowns. we had a ton of fun with you guys those last few days. we'll get in touch when we head back north. sweet pictures by the way.