Thursday, September 11, 2008

Flats and Shrugs or (Tacoma to Portland)

It is becoming harder and harder to keep up with the documentation of our trip as we go along.  Since we left Twisp, WA we have encountered so much and words increasingly cease to do justice to those sights.  As we've left the relative desolation and isolation of the farther Northern reaches for the more populated Southerly cities of the Northwest, we've had an increasing amount of amazing stimuli.  (Well mostly amazing.  The greatest proportion of flat tires and other bike trouble began on this leg of the trip as well.  More population,= more towns, more glass, debris, trash, metal, roadkill, you name it.  It all pops tires. ) The following are just a few of the more notable experiences we've had in the past week.  
As we departed Twisp, we again headed out on highway 20 across the North Cascades.  It was a much easier trip from East to West.  If for no other reason than we decided, having nothing left to prove, to hitch a lift to the top of  Rainy Pass and ride the remaining 70 miles downhill back to Rockport.  A nice kid named Bobby gave us a ride in his pickup the 20 or so miles from Twisp to the top.  With that, he saved us about a day of riding.  As it turns out having that extra day proved to be invaluable.  We were able to get to Aunt Liz's house in time for her to show us the Tacoma Museum of Glass.  Liz hosts the artist in residence program there bringing in famous and burgeoning artist from around the world to work in a world class "hot shop".  We got to see it all wrap up on the final day of the summer season.  
After giving us the tour behind the scenes at the Museum, Liz treated us to a fabulous dinner.  Being at Liz's gave us a great opportunity to do some bike maintenance.  Jeremy and I have both shredded a tire and had to replace them.  We've logged 800 miles at this point and little bike issues are beginning to surface.  Nothing serious though.  
On the road to Tacoma and Portland we've slept in some increasingly strange places.  A dock in the middle of a lake and a roadside park to name a couple.  Rural America has fewer campsites than you'd expect but increasingly more food at gas stations and "drive thru espresso". Both of which have given us some essential fuel for the journey.  More logging trucks, less shoulder, and rougher roads have made the journey this leg a little less enjoyable (most notably a scary freakin' bridge across the Columbia at the Oregon border). But the stress of cities and rural logging routes is leaving us increasingly more excited to get to the coast.  

For the Past few days we've enjoyed the hospitality of friends Mason and Karen, and our friend Kevin from Burlington.  The good times here in Portland are many. We're grateful for the pit stop and more time with friends seldom seen.  We're now doing our best to take advantage of the copious resources (and bike shops) of the city before we head out to the coast.  It is likely that our blogs will be fewer and farther in between as we venture there.  Services will be sparse.  Fun will be plenty!

Thanks to all of you that follow along and keep those comments flowing.  It is great to get a little encouragement from all of you and know that people are reading.  

Things are grand for us and it is clear that we are really lucky to be able to do this.  Thanks to everyone who's helped us along the way.  




Miller Time said...

You guys are really making it hard for me to sit and work. Can I meet you somewhere? Enjoy every moment! Henry

jane said...

Wow...thanks for the update...we traveled from Charlotte to Chautauqua yesterday in the comfort of our car...gorgeous day and beautiful mountains. Sounds like being on a bike would be more fun. Love hearing about your amazing travels. Mom

bees&cheese said...

Wow, fantastic pictures, I can't believe how quickly the time and miles are flying by on your trip! It all looks so wonderful! -- Liza

Amelia said...

I request that you keep blogging!: your friends and families are living vicariously through your tales/pictures of travel and adventure. You guys are living the dream for the rest of us; providing foddder for our own fantasies of physical fitness and escape from the quotidian. Plus we miss you, and it brings us a little happiness to see your sweet moustachioed faces. Btw, I second the suggestion that you lose the goatee Dave - it does lessen the irony of the stash.

jessie alberts said...

Dave, I think that you are ironic just the way you are.

And Jeremy, i said i wanted pictures of mustaches...plural. There is little irony in a clean shaved face, my friend.

Can't wait to see you guys! But I hope you take your time too...soak it up!

Captain Clio said...

Such an honor and a pleasure to have hosted you courageous gents on your journey South. I hope you had a blast in Portland and that the wind is at your back and that the Baby Jesus rides on your handlebars.

Nic & Pedro said...

Hey Muchachos (Who knows you may make it to Mexico yet!)

How buff are you now? Jeremy, after not beleieving they really existed, we found PIE IRONS at Green River Reservoir and used them to heat up veggie samosas on the fire.

The beginnings of Fall have arrived in VT. And you don't have to worry, the house has not changed much, except that there is a wall missing in your old room. We are financing this attic restoration project with the garage sale we had last weekend where we got great prices for your tools and furniture.

Hello to Dave. We are looking forward to a slideshow complete with coordinating music upon your return.

Keep pedaling-

Nic & Pedro

dadeo said...

Lookin good dudes--and I havent even seen the mustaches. So proud Dave.I want to be young again damnit.Put this thing in reverse. George Carlin was right. god should have had us wake from the dead and live backwards--more to look forward to.
Home on the ranch again enjoying a string of beaut weather--for golf and gardening. Love you. Dad

db, oh yes said...

I know I told you guys I'd post anonymous inflammatory comments on your blog, but I can't figure out how to log out. Curses!

Just wanted to say I'm really enjoying living vicariously through your musings. Wish I could be there with you — but that would mean getting in shape and riding a bike. Ew.

Anyway, J: Bowling league is coming together. Give me a call and I'll fill you in.

And D: I'm speaking with Old 97s' Rhett Miller tomorrow. I'm thinking of opening with one of the two following Qs: 1. Remember when you were awesome? or 2. So, the solo stuff . . . WTF?

Be well, boys.